What links the Bosphorus with the Bering Strait? The Saturday quiz
By cuterose

What links the Bosphorus with the Bering Strait? The Saturday quiz

23/09/2022  |   638 Views

From the Kalevala to Noël Coward, test your knowledge with the Saturday quiz

What links the Bosphorus with the Bering Strait? The Saturday quiz

The questions1 What was stolen from China by botanist Robert Fortune?2 Which palace is known as the Viennese Versailles?3 Carolyn Shoemaker found 32 examples of what?4 Who were Spengler, Venkman and Stantz in a 1980s film?5 Reintroduced to the UK, what is the heaviest flying bird?6 Who changed his middle name from Winston to Ono?7 The Kalevala is the national epic of which country?8 The torch relay was devised for which Olympic games?What links:9 Dijon department; rode through Coventry; Spartan king; mother of God?10 Motion; planetary motion; thermodynamics; robotics?11 Darién Gap; Bering Strait; Bosphorus; Suez Canal?12 Gillian Lynne; Harold Pinter; John Gielgud; Noël Coward?13 Marbles; tug of war; honeycomb; green light, red light?14 Where the Light Enters; Becoming; Spoken from the Heart?15 Artist Lubaina Himid; singer Freddie Mercury; novelist Abdulrazak Gurnah?

The answers1 Tea plants and seeds.2 Schönbrunn.3 Comets.4 Ghostbusters.5 Great bustard.6 John Lennon.7 Finland.8 Berlin, 1936.

9 Belgian chocolate brands: Côte d’Or; Godiva; Leonidas; Mary.10 Things with (so-called) three laws.11 Areas or waterways separating continents: South and North America; North America and Asia; Asia and Europe; Africa and Asia.12 Gave names to West End theatres.13 Games played in Netflix’s Squid Game.14 Books by US first ladies: Jill Biden; Michelle Obama; Laura Bush.15 Born in Zanzibar.
