This Resistance Band Set Is Only $13, and It’s Powering My At-Home Workouts
By cuterose

This Resistance Band Set Is Only $13, and It’s Powering My At-Home Workouts

09/08/2022  |   565 Views

Without access to my gym's wall of dumbbells, rack of barbells, or machinery, it's been a little difficult to continue my strength-training routine — the Instagram 10 push-up challenge is just not for me.

Then, I remembered the Letsfit Resistance Loop Bands ($13) I had stashed in my coffee-table drawer. I bought the resistance bands set a few months back, particularly for the days when I just couldn't get to the gym. Now that my gym is closed and I'm practicing social distancing, they're coming in handy.

On top of being compact (ideal for a small apartment), resistance bands can be used to make certain exercises a little more difficult, and they're amazing for targeting the glutes.

This Resistance Band Set Is Only , and It’s Powering My At-Home Workouts

According to Harvard Health Publishing, resistance bands offer a wide range of controlled resistance and allow you to keep resistance in the up-and-down motions of certain exercises, like dumbbell curls. The Arthritis Foundation also lists bands as one of the best exercise tools for those suffering from arthritis.

This particular set includes five different 100 percent latex loop bands at varying resistance levels — x-light, light, medium, heavy and x-heavy — which come in a black mesh bag.

The brand notes that they can be used for anything from stretching and recovery to Pilates and strength training. I have been using the bands to boost my squats and hip raises, to up the intensity of squat jacks and planks, and during Pilates workouts. I plan on trying this arm series workout using the band, as well as adding this 15-minute routine into my schedule, too.

Of course, my favorite part about the set is the price tag — at only $13, it's a purchase I won't regret when I'm able to visit my gym once again.

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