The Who Mobile Phone Invented Theory
By cuterose

The Who Mobile Phone Invented Theory

25/12/2021  |   916 Views

If you are an avid gadget freak who wears so many electronic gadgets on his person at all times, you probably have never heard of the name of the first phone that was ever made. The person who invented the first mobile phone may be a long way from now, but he will be in the spotlight once again. In fact, he may become the next "IT" guy. Because cell phones have become such a common part of our daily lives, it may seem strange to ask who invented them. However, history has shown that certain individuals, groups and companies were responsible for the creation of the first mobile phone.

When answering the question, "Who mobile phone invented a phone?" one should remember that in recent years, the single person who held the title of "inventor" of the first phone is Nokia. A Finnish company, Nokia, created the first model of phone in the world when they were still in their relative infancy as a company. Over time, Nokia made several upgrades to their already successful model and became one of the most popular cell phones on the market today.

Some of the other mobile phones that were produced during the early years of the cellular phone industry included the clamshell model, the Walkman phone and the push-to-talk (PTC) phones. A clamshell phone is a phone that was large and that held multiple functions. For example, the cell phone would have a clock, a camera and other basic features. The Walkman phone was a smaller version of the clamshell mobile phones and it had a small LCD screen, voice dialing as well as the ability to make and receive phone calls. The push-to-talk (PTC) phone was similar to the clamshell phone in that it also had a small LCD screen, voice dialing as well as the ability to make and receive phone calls.

As the cell phones became more popular, the phone industry grew and changed as well. One of the first major cell phone companies was Motorola. They released the Motorola Typist which was designed to be used with an at home computer. Within a few years, Motorola created the first laptop computers for the home office. The laptop and all its new accessories, including, a monitor, keyboard and mouse were a hit with college students who needed a lot of computing power for class work.

As the mobile phone began to grow in popularity, so did the competition. Numerous cell phone manufacturers tried to create phones that had the most features and functions. However, it became quickly apparent that only a few companies were capable of making the phones that were desirable and needed. In order to level the playing field, many companies began to patent their own technologies and began to produce their own line of mobile phones. It was then that the Who Mobile Phone Invented Theory was born.

If you ask the average person what the Who Mobile Phone Invented Theory is, they will tell you that it is a way for some big company to get a patent for technology that someone else had already come up with. This is not necessarily true and is partly why there are so many patents in the phone industry. It seems that some ideas just never get to the market and so the patent office must maintain the shelves full of ideas that have been around for years but have yet to see any commercial success. Patents are a necessary part of the phone industry. Without them, the phone companies would be unable to sell phones to the public.

There are those who say that the Who Mobile Phone Invented Theory actually has no merit. They say that the idea behind who invented the phone was a marketing ploy by a certain group of big businesses in order to make more money. These businesses want to control all the consumer electronics market and they are using the patent laws to do this.

Now if you look at it from the manufacturer's point of view, this is a great advantage. They know that if they do not have patents on their products, then other companies will be able to do what they are doing and take their business. As an example, let's say that you make a phone that does not do anything other than displaying the numbers of your next incoming call. If you do not have a patent for that, you will have to change your entire business model because people will be able to do what they like. You must protect your intellectual property rights or you will be eaten alive by the competition.
