By cuterose
Is an Intelligent Nano Mobile Phone Disinfection Machine the Solution
Ever wondered how an intelligent mobile phone could get contaminated by an infectious agent? The answer might surprise you. Consider if you will the fact that smart phones have bulkier batteries than any other device currently on the market. This means that the battery is often subjected to more intense physical forces and contact with foreign matter or foreign bodies. This is the reason why they are more prone to being infected.
When the body of a cell phone is placed into water or other liquid, for example, the battery shuts off. The conductive plates within the cell phone's battery become damaged. Over time, the conductive plates lose their adherence to the liquid's surface and begin to leak. The liquid then begins to adhere to the cell phone's circuitry. Once this happens, the battery will no longer be able to power the phone's operating system.
However, it seems that the damage to smart phones is becoming less severe. Recent leaks from a high end smartphone indicate that the liquid leak that plagued smart phones just a few years ago is now a problem for many high-end models. The leak appears to be coming from the same place as the smart phone's screen. The liquid is coming in through the gap between the display and the phone's home button and is thus threatening the electrical components of the phone.
So what is to be done? Should the smart phone to be thrown away? Or, is there another way to protect against this potential problem? A team of scientists at the University of Bath have invented a way to clean water from smart phones. By using an electro-optical process called ionic spray, the scientists can safely discharge water droplets into the air surrounding a smart phone.
In their study, the scientists attached tiny camera cameras to the smart phones during operation. They then took images of each droplet and compared them to images taken a short time later. What they found was that the droplets had become much smaller. In other words, the amount of water in the air surrounding the phone was decreasing. This is a clear indication that the liquid leak has in fact reached the smart phone's memory.
When I read that study, I had to run to my laboratory and check out the results. What I found was quite interesting. Not only did the droplets of water appear to have been reduced in size, but the color was also different. It appeared to be a clear indication that the water droplets were attacking the surface of the smart phones' display. Further testing indicated that the liquid droplets were now much colder.
These tests seem to confirm the earlier reports of smart phone users discovering water damage to their smart phones. It appears that the liquid droplets have in fact reached the surface of these devices and began to attack them. If this is true, it is quite disturbing since the liquid is supposed to be protecting the device.
It should also be noted that we are hearing about leaky Smart Phones. When we discuss smart phones with our colleagues, they often ask us what exactly is happening with these devices. I cannot tell you what I hear from other users, but it does make me scared. I would not want anyone to get harmed using a smart phone because of these devices. Therefore, I would recommend that anyone with a smart phone avoid putting liquids near them or keep the device in a garage when it is not in use.