How to Turn Off 'Time to Stand' Reminders on Apple Watch
By cuterose

How to Turn Off 'Time to Stand' Reminders on Apple Watch

09/08/2022  |   415 Views

By default, Apple Watch periodically sends you stand reminders, but if you’re finding them annoying, there’s an easy way to turn them off from your wrist or using your iPhone. Keep reading to learn how.

Remaining sedentary for extended periods of time isn’t great for your health, which is why Apple Watch includes stand reminders.

How to Turn Off 'Time to Stand' Reminders on Apple Watch

If you remain seated for the first 50 minutes of an hour, your Apple Watch sends you a notification suggesting that you stand and move around for at least a minute.

If you stand and move about, you also get a notification commending you for earning an hour toward your Stand goal, which is the blue Activity ring on your watch. If you stand and move for at least a minute every hour for 12 hours in the day, you’ll close your Stand ring.

Stand reminders are well-intentioned, but you may find them annyoing after a while or simply unnecessary. In that case, you can turn them off like so.

You can also turn off this setting from the Watch app on your ‌iPhone‌. From the "My Watch" section of the app, tap Activity, then toggle off Stand Reminders.

With stand reminders turned off, you’ll no longer receive a notification every hour urging you to get up, but the hours in which you do stand and move around will still be recorded by your Apple Watch and contribute to your Stand goal, ensuring you can close the blue Activity ring.
