How to Can Flip Phone and Connect to WiFi
By cuterose

How to Can Flip Phone and Connect to WiFi

14/12/2021  |   1401 Views

With the ability to have the convenience of using your cell phone to connect to WiFi and stay connected no matter where you are, many people have found Flip Phone to be a great alternative to a smart phone. However, if you are looking for the same convenience but without the large expenses of a smart phone, you can use a cell phone as your tool to connect to WiFi. By setting up your Flip Phone with your computer, you will be able to keep in touch without taking your phone away from you.

The first thing that you need to do when setting up your Flip Phone to use WiFi is to get a pair of Bluetooth headphones. These will come in handy because they will allow you to use your Flip Phone wirelessly while still being able to hear the other party through the headphone speakers. You should also consider getting a high-speed internet connection because the wireless internet on your Flip Phone will not be as fast as the high-speed internet that you can get through your home wireless network. Dial up will work just fine.

Once you have everything set up, you will be able to turn off your phone and take it out of your pocket or purse without having to worry about dropping it. You can now connect your Flip Phone to WiFi. To do this, you need to find your Flip Phone's Firmware tab. On the menu, you will see your phone's Firmware Information.

The first option that you have is "auto-connect." In general, this setting is left off because you don't really need it unless you want to manually connect your phone to your computer. If you have an extremely slow internet connection, it may be best to leave this off because it may take your phone a long time to auto-connect. It will also save you a lot of time.

The next option that is available is "web only" mode. In this mode, your Flip Phone will only display the web pages that are accessible through your Wi-Fi connection. For example, if you are at your office, and you have an internet connection, you will be able to access a variety of different websites. However, if you are at your home, you won't be able to use the internet to do this. This feature is ideal if you use the Flip Phone for checking your email and other similar tasks that don't require web access.

When you have both of these turned on, you should connect your phone to your computer. If you don't have one of these devices, you can always connect it to your home broadband connection. It should take a couple of minutes. Just make sure that your modem is powered and ready to go before starting the process.

One of the final steps of the process is enabling the Auto Connect function. When this is done, the phone will try to automatically connect to a hotspot. If you have a wireless router, it should also automatically detect your router, and should be able to connect to it.

You should see a confirmation message when it detects your router. Then you can turn your can flip phone on and connect to the internet. After that, you should also make sure that your phone is set to airplane mode.

You can turn off the airplane mode by going to the phone's settings. Once you get there, you should change the auto connect setting from On to Off. This feature lets your phone connects to WiFi even when it is not on your desk. You can also turn off Bluetooth. Doing so should prevent your phone from randomly turning on and off.

After all that, you should put your phone on the desk or wherever you want it to be when it first turns on. It may sound weird but it is the best way for your phone to start working. You need to put the phone on the switch so it can go to the default wireless setting. To do this, you just need to flip the switch on the back.

After that, your phone should be ready to connect to the internet. It might take a few times as the phone connects to the network. You will notice that it starts working right away after it connects. If you want to connect your phone to wifi via Bluetooth, then you need to switch to that setting from On. Then your phone will automatically connect to the Bluetooth device.
