Environmental Health, Safety and Risk Management Office Ergonomics
By cuterose

Environmental Health, Safety and Risk Management Office Ergonomics

23/05/2022  |   691 Views

The goal of office ergonomics is to design your office work station so that it fitsyou and allows for a comfortable working environment for maximum productivity andefficiency. Harper's Office Ergonomics program is through Environmental Health & Safety.

Visit this link to review our Office Ergonomics Webpage.

Did you know that the chair you are sitting on might be adjustable? The two main officechairs that we have on campus are the KI Engage chair and the Steelcase Criterionchair.

An additional chair has been added, called the FourC Task Chair from KI.

Environmental Health, Safety and Risk Management Office Ergonomics

Check out this document to learn more about adjusting the new chair!

Depending on which type of chair you are sitting in, there are many different wayson how to adjust them to better fit you. Chair features include:

Remember to maintain a neutral position, meaning:

Do you work at the computer and use a phone at the same time? If so, you might benefitfrom using a phone headset. Do you do a lot of computer entry from paperwork? If so,maybe you should use a document holder. If you do not already have one of these itemsand feel that you would benefit from having it, talk with your supervisor.

For more helpful tips about your workstation, view our Ergonomic Procedure.

Or, if you are still having trouble with your chair, schedule an Ergonomic Evaluationtoday by contacting ehs@harpercollege.edu or dialing extension x6929. Environmental Health staff will stop by and help adjustyour workstation.
